No. 167 Time is Back 時間が戻った
4:50 PM | 1985 | Kamazumi Station | Line No. 5 Platform
ア01 自動発生
Tomi Kisaragi:
I guess when you put it like that…
Maybe you've got a point.
I should slow down and think a little…
Still, though…
Hey, are you even listening?
Nenji Ogata:
The hell just happened…?
ア02 左へ移動
×Tomi Kisaragi
Tomi Kisaragi:
Nenji Ogata:
ア03 如月と会話
×Tomi Kisaragi
Nenji Ogata:
Shit, the… the train…
It just went off the rails, and…
Tomi Kisaragi:
I didn’t know you could sleep standing up.
Nenji Ogata:
No, this is… the same platform as before.
The hell is this?
ア04 ア03後に 如月と会話
×Tomi Kisaragi
Nenji Ogata:
Kisaragi. Weren’t you on that train too?
How’d we get back here?
Tomi Kisaragi:
You mean the train I'm about to get on?
Nenji Ogata:
You're… about to?
ア05 ア04後に如月と会話
×Tomi Kisaragi
Tomi Kisaragi:
You're being weirder than usual…
…Are you okay, man?
ア06 △時間が戻った→如月
△Back in Time→Tomi Kisaragi
Nenji Ogata:
Look, just… I need you to listen to me, okay?
Tomi Kisaragi:
Uh, whoa… What’re you getting so serious about?
Nenji Ogata:
I'm saying I've been on this platform before.
Tomi Kisaragi:
Well, duh. This is how you get to school every day.
Nenji Ogata:
No, I mean just now. I was here.
Tomi Kisaragi:
Is this, like, a setup for a joke?
Nenji Ogata:
No, wait… I remember. It wasn’t even my train.
I got on the semi-express to go after you, Kisaragi…
You and I were together the whole time, right?
Tomi Kisaragi:
I think I’d know if we were “together”!
Nenji Ogata:
Not what I meant, but okay.
ア07 △電車が脱線
△Train Derailed
Nenji Ogata:
We were in that train car, and…
Then the whole thing got knocked off the line.
…So how are we here?
No way we would’ve walked away from an accident like that…
ア08 ア06、ア07後にホーム左側へ移動する
Nenji Ogata:
Shoulda figured you assholes would still be here.
Takemi Wajima:
Well, look what we got here.
Ogata. Most punchable face in the city.
Nenji Ogata:
You guys need some new material.
Takemi Wajima:
The hell are you tryin’ to say to me?
ア09 輪島と会話
×Takemi wajima
Takemi Wajima:
I think it’s about time we settled our shit.
Nenji Ogata:
We already did. I beat your ass into the ground.
I guess that didn’t count either…?
What crawled up your ass, anyway?
Takemi Wajima:
Heard you were talkin’ shit on the Kuri High gang.
Sayin’ all we got is strength in numbers.
Nenji Ogata:
News to me.
Takemi Wajima:
No more runnin’.
We settle this right here, right now.
ア10 ア09後に輪島と会話
×Takemi Wajima
Takemi Wajima:
No more runnin’.
We settle this right here, right now.
ア11 如月の方へ移動
Tomi Kisaragi:
Hey, hold on!
ア12 如月と会話
×Tomi Kisaragi:
Tomi Kisaragi:
The heck’s going on? Cut that out!
Nenji Ogata:
Relax. I'm not gonna do the same fight twice.
Don’t have time for that shit anyway.
Takemi Wajima:
What do we got here?
Don’t tell me this little bitch is your girl?
Heh, heh… Didn’t know you were into elementary schoolers.
That’s messed up, man.
Nenji Ogata:
The hell did you just say…?
You wanna say that again? Say it to my face.
Tomi Kisaragi:
Hey, stop it!
Nenji Ogata:
…Man, not again.
Takemi Wajima:
ア13 ア12後に如月と会話
×Tomi Kisaragi:
Tomi Kisaragi:
Well, that’s my train.
Bye or whatever.
Nenji Ogata:
Hey, wait! You can't get on that!
You're gonna regret it!
Tomi Kisaragi:
You're being super weird right now.
Nenji Ogata:
Look, shut up and listen.
You CAN’T get on that.
Tomi Kisaragi:
I can't huh?
So you can just decide that for me?
It’s not like…
Like you can just tell me what to do.
I'm so done with you.
ア14 ア13後自動発生
Nenji Ogata:
Ah, dammit.
It’s just like before…